I’ve always liked this story, “Visions of Glory,” the framing sequence for the 80-page Justice League Quarterly #16 (September 1994), the “All Glory Issue” featuring four stories starring General Glory. General Glory was a star spangled parody of the straitlaced, upright Captain America created by the irrepressible Keith Giffen and J.M.… Read the rest
Andrew Pepoy
It’s here at last…Archie The Married Life: Volume 1, collecting the first six issues of the Life With Archie: The Married Life Magazine. That’s six stories (the first issues of Archie Loves Veronica and Archie Loves Betty were written by Michael Uslan; the rest is all me) of what’s been called “the most critically acclaimed storyline in Archie Comics history,” 320 big pages of art by Norm Breyfogle, Joe Rubinstein, and Andrew Pepoy, a few introductory pieces by Michael and myself, all for $19.99!… Read the rest
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