Comic Books

Paul Kupperberg on June 11th, 2021


Direct Comments: Comic Book Creators in Their Own Words
The DC Direct Currents Interview Transcripts (1989 – 1991)
Conducted, Transcribed, and Annotated by Paul Kupperberg

Cover by Aalishaa/fiverr
Buffalo Avenue Books
Paperback & eBook
Nonfiction / Comic Book History
192 pages
$16.00 / $7.00 eBook

Comic Book Creators in their Own Words!

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Paul Kupperberg on March 10th, 2021


Son of the Unpublished Comic Book Scripts of Paul Kupperberg
Cover by Rick Stasi
Buffalo Avenue Books
Paperback & eBook
288 pages

Signed and personalized copies are available directly from me:
$19.00 (U.S. shipped)
$30 (Canada shipped)


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Paul Kupperberg on July 28th, 2020

In 1961, comic fandom founding father and The Comic Reader editor/publisher Jerry Bails added the Comicollector to his schedule. The Comicollector was primarily what we used to call an adzine, devoted to publishing ads for back issues and other fanzines by fans for fans at the rate of $1/quarter page and was sent out free to subscribers of TCR.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on July 25th, 2020

From November 1962, the thirteenth issue of comic fandom founding father’s Professor Jerry Bails’ The Comic Reader, continuing the posting of scans of photocopies of these classic fanzines, HERE and HERE. Comics industry news… fanzine reviews… letters of comment from Julie Schwartz, E.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on July 21st, 2020

Continuing the scans of the granddaddy of comic book fanzines, The Comic Reader (formerly On the Drawing Board), shot from the 1970ish photocopies of the zines made from copies lent us by publisher Dr. Jerry Bails, that began HERE.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on July 19th, 2020

Yes, I cut up some of my comic books in the late-1960s. Get over it!

Books and histories about comics were virtually nonexistent. Reprints, especially from the Golden Age, were few and far between. And the big “and”… and, there was no internet!… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on July 18th, 2020

What was the comic book news in 1961?

Many, many (many!) years ago, when Paul Levitz and I were first starting to make our mark, Jerry Bails, comics historian, indexer, one of the fathers of comic book fandom, was kind enough to lend his personal collection of the early print fanzines he had produced that had helped kickstart our hobby to a couple of fans halfway across the country.… Read the rest

Continue reading about And They Called It Fandom

Paul Kupperberg on July 18th, 2020

Or, How I Stopped Worrying and Started Cutting Up Silver Age Comic Books

First of all, I didn’t know it was any age of comic books at the time. I was a reader making the transformation to fan; readers read comics, maybe saved them, but didn’t collect and wasn’t aware of their history.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on March 13th, 2020
Paul Kupperberg’s Illustrated Guide to Writing Comics
by Paul Kupperberg. Cover by Steven Butler. Foreword by Joe Staton.

By Paul Kupperberg

Foreword by Joe Staton • Cover by Steven Butler
Charlton Neo Media
Trade Paperback, Illustrated, 126 pages
CONTACT:… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on March 10th, 2020

I’ve written all sorts of different things in my career, from your basic short stories and novels and comic books to marketing and licensing material in every shape and form. One of those marketing jobs was Weird Organic Tales for Stuart Gordon, the brains behind Chicago’s famed Organic Theater Company, whose productions included WARP!Read the rest

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