
Paul Kupperberg on March 10th, 2021


Son of the Unpublished Comic Book Scripts of Paul Kupperberg
Cover by Rick Stasi
Buffalo Avenue Books
Paperback & eBook
288 pages

Signed and personalized copies are available directly from me:
$19.00 (U.S. shipped)
$30 (Canada shipped)


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From the “Lost Stories” file comes this, “The Children’s Crusade,” a proposal I wrote in January of 1989 for a 3-issue DC Comics Prestige Format Black Canary miniseries that was, according to the title page, to be drawn by Michael Davis.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on May 30th, 2017

Time Warp was a DC Comics science fiction title that ran for five issues between October-November 1979 and June-July 1980. Published in the Dollar Comic format (64-pages, no ads, for a buck) and sporting covers by Michael Kaluta, Time Warp featured all new stories by a variety of talent.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on July 25th, 2010
Once upon a time (1988), I created and wrote a comic for DC called Checkmate!. which ran for about 33 issues, and was recently revived by DC for another 30 issue run, playing a major role in whatever mishagas the DC Universe recently through.
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Paul Kupperberg on July 3rd, 2010

The archaeological dig through my past continues as old files are sorted and full closets are emptied, yielding all sorts of wonderful and forgotten (or, in some cases, wonderfully forgotten!) treasures, personal and historic. Including an amazing and previously unknown piece of work by a seminal creator of the comics business; a Google search of said work produced zero results; I’m in touch with the creator’s official biographer and we will be pursuing, at some point soon, a way to get this into publication with the family’s blessing…but that’s neither here nor there!… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on June 27th, 2010

Another unpublished script found in the files…one appropriate to the month in which we saw the release of the A-Team movie. It’s for a 2-page strip called “Mr. T’s Commandment”. From the address on the manuscript, this was written some time between 1985 and 1987.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on June 9th, 2010

Ah, the joys of an impending move! It opens file drawers whose contents haven’t seen the light of day since Hector was a pup (I don’t know what that means, but my father used to say it).

From, man, I’m thinking 1985-ish…give or take a couple of years, 6 sample pages of Waystation, a funny science fiction graphic novel written by me and drawn by cartoonist and pal Chuck Fiala (lettering by Willie Schubert).… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on November 14th, 2008

This is a short story I wrote about five years ago; the idea was sparked by a small footstone for Sidney Aronson in the graveyard near where my mother-in-law lies. My father’s name was Sidney, so whenever we visit the cemetery, I always put a stone on Mr.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on October 22nd, 2008

Here’s something I found rooting around in archived folders: the manuscript for Mythology Around the World: Mesoamerican Mythology, a non-fiction book I wrote for Rosen Publishing in October 2005. Due to a misunderstanding (meaning I probably didn’t read the Series Guidelines closely enough), the book I wrote was a survey of the myths of all the Mesoamerican cultures when it was supposed to focus on a specific people (I forget which).… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on October 13th, 2008

The end of this unpublished 1980s Archie Comics superhero story (Part I, Part II, and Part III here) I scripted, with art by the amazing Pat Boyette. As always, click on the images to view the images at a readable size…

© Archie Comics

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