Back-up Story

Paul Kupperberg on January 16th, 2020

Last time on…this! Now, Part 2–“The Choice!” from Green Lantern #153 (June 1982). This Tale of the Green Lantern Corps was pencilled by Carmine Infantino, inked by Frank Chiaramonte, lettered by Adam Kubert, colored by Anthony Tollin, and blue-pencilled by Dave Manak.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on January 15th, 2020

Part 1 of a 2-part Tales of the Green Lantern Corps back-up story from Green Lantern #152 (May 1982), another pencil and ink job by irascible Carmine Infantino. “Paradise World” was lettered by the cantankerous Milt Snappin, colored by the avuncular Anthony Tollin, and edited by the durable Dave Manak.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on January 11th, 2020

Who was Earth’s first Green Lantern? I think there have probably been about half a dozen stories about characters claiming that honor. Here’s mine, a (Pre-Crisis) tale of the Old West from Green Lantern #149 (February 1982), with art by the great Don Newton, inked by his (to my mind) best inker (other than Don himself), Dan Adkins.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on January 4th, 2020

The second of a pair of Zatanna back-ups I wrote for World’s Finest #278 (April 1982), both illustrated by the late, great Dan Spiegle, one of those artists whose work I admired as a kid but whose name I wouldn’t learn until much later on.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on December 30th, 2019

Back in the van dyke and Dollar Comics days of Green Arrow, from World’s Finest #257 (June/July 1979), “Time Keeps on Killing” featuring the timely menace of the Clock King as well as the art of Jose Delbo and Frank McLaughlin, plus coloring by Jerry Serpe and lettering by Shelly Lefferman.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on December 28th, 2019

From World’s Finest #277 (March, 1982), an 8-page Zatanna back-up from the Dollar Comics era of the title, “Doppleganger,” scripted by me and drawn by the great Dan Spiegle, an artist whose work graced whatever genre it appeared in…and he covered all of ’em, from superhero and science fiction to Western and funny animal.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on December 14th, 2019

From Detective Comics #504 (July 1981), another “Tales of Gotham City”/Commissioner Gordon back-up story, “A Day in the Life of a Cop,” with art by Jose Delbo and Joe Giella.

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