
Paul Kupperberg on July 26th, 2020

Continuing a look at fanzines from yesteryear, scans of photocopies of fandom’s first ‘zines by founding fan-fathers Dr. Jerry Bails and Roy Thomas. Today, Alter-Ego #1 (Spring 1961), “a new comic fanzine devoted to the revival of costumed heroes” and published months before the Fantastic Four and the future Marvel Universe was even a twinkle in Stan’s eye (FF #1 on-sale date, according to GCD was August 8, 1961).… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on June 9th, 2016

Dancing With the Squirrels: Tales From Comics Fandom and Beyond by Dwight R. Decker (Vesper Press, 2015)

The Crackpot And Other Twisted Tales of Greedy Fans and Collectors, Written and Illustrated by John E. Stockman, with a Foreword by Richard A.Read the rest

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