As I wrote a couple of weeks back, I’m part of a writers collective known as The Hivemind. Our first project, a young adult fantasy series called Latchkeys is up and running, and my first contribution to the story, Chapter 4: “The Bootleg War” (with Kris Katzen) is now available for downloading on Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes and Noble’s Nook for .99¢ (as are Parts 1, 2, and 3)!… Read the rest
And not in any Borg or Dalek sort of way…no, this is far worse. I’ve been assimilated into the Hivemind Collective.
What is a Hivemind and how did we collect? It all started about three years back when members of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers email list began discussing the possibility of collaborating on some projects set in shared universes that we would collectively create.… Read the rest
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