Young Adult

Paul Kupperberg on January 28th, 2010

In 2003, I edited a young adult non-fiction book. Critical Perspectives On The Great Depression for Rosen Publishing. The book was a collection of contemporary writings about that bleak period of American history, with brief introductions to the pieces by the editor.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on September 18th, 2008

Back when my son was three or four years old, we were having breakfast at IHop with a friend and her daughter, Hannah, a couple of years older than Max. She was talking about their new house, an old 18th century farmhouse, saying that some of it was kind’a spooky, especially the “scare cases.”… Read the rest

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Taking up a dare from his friends, young Merlin Krebbs now finds himself locked inside a rocket full of corn flakes speeding towards his planet’s sun (or you can just read it, here). Boy, is he sorry now he didn’t listen to his parents!… Read the rest

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Here’s the first half of the first chapter of a silly science-fiction young adult book I was playing with several years back. The rest of the chapter tomorrow:

© Paul Kupperberg

chapter one
“I am in deeep trouble!”

Merlin Barnstorm Noble Gleeznak Riboflavin Shakespeare Krebbs had a lot of reasons for making what was probably one of the all time biggest understatements to ever be uttered in Known Space.… Read the rest

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