Ho-ho-ho! My first sale to DC Comics was “The Stranger,” a 10-page Fabulous World of Krypton back-up for Superman Family #182 (March-April 1977) to editor Denny O’Neil. Three cool things stand out for me about this otherwise pedestrian little riff on the Bible (well, four, if you count it being my first to DC): (1) It was one of the earliest stories penciled by soon-to-be-legend Marshall Rogers, who would go on to an iconic run on Batman and other features and who died way too young, (2) It was inked by Frank Springer, an already-a-legend in comics, and (3) the very first words I wrote for a DC story came out of the mouth of Clark Kent and was in a comic book with “Superman” in the title.
Tags: Bronze Age, DC Comics, Denny O'Neil, Frank Springer, Krypton, Marshall Rogers, Paul Kupperberg, Superman, Superman Family, World of Krypton