Archie: The Married Life

Paul Kupperberg on July 15th, 2013

2898899-02It was a Monday, like any other Monday. Nobody likes Mondays. Not even freelance writers. Everybody knows that Mondays just suck.

And then I logged onto Facebook and saw this post from Dan Parent, writer/artist/creator of Archie Comics’ groundbreaking Kevin Keller title:

“I got a Harvey Award nomination !Read the rest

Continue reading about How I Learned to Like Mondays (well, this one anyway…)

Paul Kupperberg on June 9th, 2012

Yesterday, I was at my local Barnes and Noble, in Westport, Connecticut for one of my periodic browses. Checking out the new releases. Seeing what’s current in biography (mostly TV personalities, most of whom are completely unknown to me). Non-fiction. Essays and criticism.… Read the rest

Continue reading about I Am Not Amused

Paul Kupperberg on March 9th, 2012

Not only is the second Life With Archie: The Married Life graphic novel (collecting issues #7-12 of Life With Archie magazine) out this week, but the monthly Life With Archie magazine keeps making news…and just a bit of controversy!

The celebrated Life With Archie #16, featuring the well-publicized wedding of Kevin Keller and Clay Walker, has sold out (word is, copies are going for big bucks on eBay and Amazon), and has got a Million Moms mad at me and retail outlets like Toys ‘R’ Us which carried the issue.… Read the rest

Continue reading about Everything’s Still Archie!

Paul Kupperberg on November 16th, 2011

According to The New York Times’ Book Section, the Archie: The Married Life graphic novel is a “Graphic Novel Worthy of Being A Gift.” The article, “A Superhero For Your Stocking” by George Gene Gustines was published today and it reads something like this:

“Something exciting is happening in Riverdale, the longtime home of Archie Andrews.… Read the rest

Continue reading about The New York Times Thinks Everything’s Archie!

Paul Kupperberg on September 13th, 2011

It’s here at last…Archie The Married Life: Volume 1, collecting the first six issues of the Life With Archie: The Married Life Magazine. That’s six stories (the first issues of Archie Loves Veronica and Archie Loves Betty were written by Michael Uslan; the rest is all me) of what’s been called “the most critically acclaimed storyline in Archie Comics history,” 320 big pages of art by Norm Breyfogle, Joe Rubinstein, and Andrew Pepoy, a few introductory pieces by Michael and myself, all for $19.99!… Read the rest

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