Julie Schwartz

Paul Kupperberg on June 11th, 2021


Direct Comments: Comic Book Creators in Their Own Words
The DC Direct Currents Interview Transcripts (1989 – 1991)
Conducted, Transcribed, and Annotated by Paul Kupperberg

Cover by Aalishaa/fiverr
Buffalo Avenue Books
Paperback & eBook
Nonfiction / Comic Book History
192 pages
$16.00 / $7.00 eBook

Comic Book Creators in their Own Words!

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Paul Kupperberg on July 25th, 2020

From November 1962, the thirteenth issue of comic fandom founding father’s Professor Jerry Bails’ The Comic Reader, continuing the posting of scans of photocopies of these classic fanzines, HERE and HERE. Comics industry news… fanzine reviews… letters of comment from Julie Schwartz, E.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on February 6th, 2020

For editor Julie Schwartz, I wrote the alliteratively titled “Secret of the Shooting Star,” an 8-page Wally West/Kid Flash back-up for The Flash #265 (September 1978). Art was by Alex Saviuk and Bob Smith, lettering by Milt Snappin, and coloring by Mario Sen.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on January 8th, 2016

Ehapa-Red-BlueIn the 1980s, Ehapa, the publisher to which DC Comics licensed its German (other other countries) reprints, was asking DC Comics for as much new Superman material as the company could provide. At the time, Superman was appearing in Superman, Action Comics, DC Comics Presents, and World’s Finest, but there was apparently an insatiable appetite for more Man of Steel for this part of the European market.… Read the rest

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Paul Kupperberg on June 19th, 2012

I cried the day Julie Schwartz died. It was February 8, 2004, a Sunday, and Paul Levitz called me that morning to deliver the news. My then wife and I had family coming over later in the day for a visit, but I spent that Sunday in numb shock over the loss of that dear, dear man.… Read the rest

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